Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Multiple Intelligence

This is a quick 5 minute quiz your students can do in class to identify what type of learner they are. This is a good start to a new unit/ topic as students can really identify how they learn best.
Students can then complete assessment tasks/ class work in this format.

Brimingham Grid for Learning Student Quiz

After attending a TAS network meeting I established a great way to use the results of this quiz to encourage and promote learning from ALL students.

At the start of each unit, allow students to work in Ability Groups for 5 weeks. This enables the students to work together to develop core knowledge and get an understanding of the key concepts of the unit. The next 5 weeks students are to break out into their Learning Style groups. Together they can explore the rest of the unit and assessment task using their learning style.

Its hard to explain in words but if you would like more information please see me. It makes better sense face to face.